The property is located within Kangere area of Kajiado Town, Kajiado County. It is situated at approximately 200 meters to the South of Naisula School and approximately 2.16 Kilometers off the Namanga road within Kangere area of Kajiado Town. Access to the property from Kajiado Town (Huduma Centre) is via Kajiado – Kitengela tarmac road (Namanga tarmac road) for 4.5 Kilometers turning right and opposite KenChic Farm onto a murram road for about 1.83 Kilometers and again turning right immediately after Naisula school and proceeding for another 330 meters to the property which is on the left hand side of the road. The immediate neighborhood comprises large parcels of agricultural land coupled with pockets of homesteads.
The property is an irregular shaped fairly level black cotton soils agricultural parcel measuring 2.02 hectares or (4.99 acres).
Mains electricity from Kenya Power grid lines is available for connection to the property in the neighborhood.
Water for domestic use may be obtained from boreholes drilled in the neighborhood or rain water harvesting.
Foul waste disposal shall be into septic tank/soak pit.
The parcel fronts an earth road while murram surfaced road is about 300 metres. Kitengela – Namanga tarmac road is approximately 2Kilometres from the property.
Public transport system is obtained from Kitengela – Namanga tarmac road which is approximattely 2 Kilometres from the property.
-1.2948206767632815, 36.76584693640217