This is an agricultural property situated within Duka Moja area, Kajiado. It is approximately 1.5 Kilometers due West of St.Augustine Olpirikata Primary School, approximately 6.4 Kilometers due West of KMQ Faith Victory Church and approximately 9.4 Kilometers due North West of KMQ Dispensary.
The parcel measures EIGHT DECIMAL TWO FOUR HECTARES (8.24HA) which is approximately 20.4 acres or thereabouts.
This is a rectangular shaped, mixed soils parcel, with a fairly level gradient whose boundaries are left open save for corner survey beacons.
Main’s electricity and water is not connected to the subject property.
Foul water drainage would be into a septic tank.
The immediate access road is earth surfaced.
Latitude 1°15'52.1"S and Longitude 36°53'20.8"E.
0°00'01.9"N 37°05'31.6"E