A prime commercial office suite in Commodore office suites situated along Kindaruma Road near its junction with Wood Avenue opposite Lenox Park Kilimani Nairobi City County. Easily identified as Office Suite 7C on 7th Floor.
The property is situated along Kindaruma Road near its junction with Wood Avenue opposite Lenox Park in Kilimani Estate,Nairobi. The development is easily identified on the ground as”Commodore Office Suites”.
The whole plot measures approximately 0.1506 Hectares i.e.0.3721 acres approximately.
This is a level rectangular shaped mixed soils plot whose boundaries are marked by masonry stone perimeter walling topped with a ten strand electric fence.
Access into the property is via a sliding steel framework gate with a pedestrian access and a gate house, opening onto a cabro-paved driveway leading to designated parking bays and a second double lockable steel frame work gate which opens onto the extra parking.
1°23'57.2"S 36°44' 50.6"E
-1.496521, 36.918336
1°06'54.1"S 36°38'50.0"E